– the Federal Government's platform on the topic of antibiotic resistance

Antimicrobial resistance is a global problem that affects humans, animals, agriculture and the environment.

AmtsdirektorInnen anlässlich Aktionsplan StAR

StAR – Strategy on Antibiotic Resistance

Together with the international community, Switzerland is challenged to prevent the emergence of new resistances and to limit their transmission and spread.

This is the goal of the Swiss Strategy on Antibiotic Resistance (StAR), which is pursued jointly by the four federal offices of the FOPH, the FSVO, the FOAG and the FOEN in collaboration with corresponding stakeholders. This ‘One Health’ approach is crucial to ensuring the continued effectiveness of antibiotic treatments.


One Health Action Plan 2024-27 of the Strategy Antibiotic Resistance Switzerland (StAR)

The 2024-27 One Health Action Plan for the Swiss Strategy on Antibiotic Resistance (StAR) has been devised in close collaboration with various partners and stakeholders from the research, political and industry fields, and was approved by the Federal Council on 19 June 2024.

In focus


The Swiss Antibiotic Resistance Report 2024 is online!

The Swiss Antibiotic Resistance Report (SARR) is the national report on the antibiotic resistance situation in Switzerland. The report not only focuses on antibiotic consumption and resistance in human and veterinary medicine, but also on the impacts in the environment (One Health approach).


2024 population survey on antibiotic resistance

How well informed is the Swiss population about antibiotics and the threat posed by antibiotic resistance? The fifth survey conducted as part of the Swiss Strategy on Antibiotic Resistance (StAR) shows where gaps in the population’s knowledge persist.

Views on antibiotic resistance

See how professionals from the fields of human and animal health answer questions on the subject of antibiotic resistance.  

Interview with Prof. Dr. Stephan Harbarth

Interview with Dr. Domenica Flury

Interview with Dr. Barbara Willi

Correct use of antibiotics

Correct use of antibiotics

The number of cases of antibiotic resistance is rising globally, increasing the risk that bacterial infections in humans and animals will become very difficult or impossible to treat. Every year in Switzerland, among other countries, people and animals are infected with bacteria which can no longer be treated with antibiotics.

Protect yourself and your family by using antibiotics correctly.

Correct use of antibiotics

Humans, animals, agriculture and the environment.

The FOPH provides trustworthy specialist information and so enhances the knowledge of patients, doctors and pharmacists, thereby enabling them to assume their responsibility in handling antibiotics.

Through its work, the FSVO establishes a framework to keep animals healthy and reduce the need for antibiotics. In applying this guiding principle, antibiotic resistance and disease among animals can be prevented.

Farmers and veterinarians are encouraged to promote animal health through disease prevention. The FOAG helps them to assume their responsibility and contribute to maintaining the effectiveness of antibiotics under the holistic One Health principle.

The FOEN supports the expansion of wastewater treatment plants so that concentrations of antibiotics and other micropollutants in our water can be significantly reduced. Research on antibiotic resistance in the water cycle also plays an important role.

Press releases

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Newsletter StAR

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Newsletter Swiss Strategy on Antibiotic Resistance (StAR)

StAR publishes an electronic newsletter that regularly informs interested people about the status of the implementation of the StAR strategy.

Read all articles of the newsletter StAR

Subscribe to the newsletter


Strategy on Antibiotic Resistance StAR
c/o Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern - Switzerland

Tel. +41 58 463 87 06