Federal Council to examine individual dispensing of antibiotics in greater depth

The Federal Council intends to examine whether individual dispensing of antibiotics should be introduced throughout Switzerland. It adopted a corresponding report at its meeting on November 2, 2022. Individual dispensing of antibiotics is intended to promote correct use, prevent improper disposal and reduce antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotic resistance is a major challenge to global health. Excessive or inappropriate use of antibiotics contributes significantly to the development of resistance. This increases the risk that certain infections in humans or animals will become difficult or impossible to treat.

The Antibiotic Resistance Strategy Switzerland (StAR) aims to ensure the effectiveness of antibiotics for the treatment of humans and animals in the long term with measures at various levels. It defines overarching goals for human and veterinary medicine, agriculture and the environment, and coordinates an interdisciplinary approach on the part of responsible stakeholders.

Like all medicines, antibiotics are dispensed in an outpatient setting in their original packaging. The number of tablets corresponds to average requirements. However, studies from Switzerland and France show that about half of the packages do not correspond to the prescribed or recommended quantity. The tablets that are left over are usually kept in a medicine cabinet and taken later, sometimes without a doctor's prescription. This increases the risk that antibiotics are not taken at the correct dosage or are taken at the wrong time, which can promote development of antibiotic resistance. If surplus antibiotics are not disposed of properly, there is a risk that antibiotics enter the environment together with wastewater and that resistance develops and spreads further.

Study shows basic feasibility

The motion "Retail sale of medicines: Let's dare to try!" (17.3942) requires that individual dispensing of antibiotics (i.e. dispensing the exact amount of therapy required) be tested. A feasibility study conducted on behalf of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) now shows that individual dispensing of antibiotics is feasible in principle and would be accepted by the majority of patients. The authors of the study assume that targeted dispensing promotes awareness of the correct use of antibiotics and counteracts improper disposal.

However, the study also shows that there are various remaining questions that still need to be addressed before nationwide introduction. For example, the sale of medicines in packaging other than the original is currently not legally regulated. Individual dispensing also involves additional work for doctors' surgeries and pharmacies, because the tablets have to be counted, dispensing needs to be documented and the remaining stock must be stored. Service providers are therefore demanding compensation for this additional work.

The Federal Council has instructed the Federal Department of Home Affairs to examine in greater depth the open questions regarding individual dispensing of antibiotics as part of the national strategy against antibiotic resistance - in particular the question of which legal adjustments will be necessary.

Address for queries

Federal Office of Public Health, Communication
+41 58 462 95 05, media@bag.admin.ch


Responsible Department

Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA

Last modification 11.09.2023

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