Field of activity Prevention


Preventive measures promote the health of humans and animals in such a way that the use of antibiotics, and thus the development of resistance, can be reduced.

Reducing antibiotic consumption is the most effective way to combat resistance. The maxim "Prevention is better than cure"  applies: the fewer people and animals that become infected, the smaller the amount of antibiotics that needs to be used. Preventive measures such as improved hygiene, targeted diagnostics, immunisation and optimised animal husbandry can reduce the use of antibiotics to a necessary minimum.

The measures in this field of activity are as follows:

Develop and implement systems for monitoring, preventing and combating healthcare-associated infections:
The consistent implementation of infection control and hygiene concepts will be promoted. Structural and organisational measures to prevent the spread of pathogens will be assessed and implemented.

Apply laboratory investigations with a strong practical emphasis in a targeted manner:
Rapid laboratory investigations with a strong practical emphasis will be used in a targeted manner; rapid laboratory procedures will prevent inappropriate use of antibiotics in an outpatient setting.

Support vaccination campaigns aimed at particular target groups and diseases:
Vaccinations which can contribute to reducing antibiotic consumption by preventing viral and bacterial infections will be promoted to specific target groups and individuals at risk of specific diseases.

Encourage improved animal husbandry processes, especially with regard to management, conditions under which animals are kept, and biosecurity:
Typical errors and problems will be defined for particular animal species and production types, and attention drawn to remedial measures.

Identify and promote preventive measures to improve animal health:
Preventive measures aimed at improving animal health will be taken before the use of antibiotics becomes necessary.

Optimise and promote the coordination and provision of advice to livestock farmers and support for farms:
Systematic and continuous herd management in order to improve animal health and the provision of advice to livestock farmers will be promoted.

Reduce the volume of antibiotics, resistance genes and resistant bacteria entering the environment from research and production

Affected companies, institutions and competent cantonal authorities will be made aware of the issue of resistance. In addition, the competent cantonal enforcement authorities and the national bodies responsible for assessing action will examine the suitability of and compliance with measures.

You can find information on the implementation of these measures here:

Last modification 29.09.2023

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Strategy on Antibiotic Resistance
Federal Office of Public Health FOPH
Schwarzenburgstrasse 157
3003 Bern

+41 58 463 87 06


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